Five Stars from Flynn
It was a Monday morning, the sun was out and the sky was blue, but the crisp air made sure that we knew we were well and truly heading into autumn. And that’s when we met Flynn… and when he met his new SKØG bike.
Flynn is 3 years old (he’ll be four around Christmas time) and was already pedalling but was ready for a new bike. As quite a tall ‘three and a half year old’ he fitted straight onto our SKØG 16” wheeled bike… and he was off like a shot. Here’s what his dad Scott had to say:
“Revolutionary. What a rad idea! Everything is designed for tikes. Low resistance tyres that still offer good grip, short cranks, and unbelievably powerful brakes. My previous kid’s bike was difficult for my son to squeeze the brakes, but this one is feather light and powerful. Superb graphics and finish top what is literally built to last. Every kid needs one! 5 stars."