100% 5 Star Reviews - hear what our customers are saying

Killer Bike....Killer Service !

Love this bike. The fact that it is 3 in1 and will grow with my daughter for the next few years is huge ! It is super light, which makes lugging it around (when my three year old decides to ditch it at will 😂) a joy, as opposed to a complete pain.
One can see instantly that it is a quality product, made a by a new company that obviously care about what they are trying to do.....Good for You !! Also, the whole purchasing experience was quite personalised. Very thoughtful of the team to reach out and ask how I would like the bike configured, before shipping.....nice touch.
Sure a little bit more expensive than anything vaguely comparable. But in truth, it is much better value in the medium term and well worth the extra dime.

My daughter loves it, and was up riding with confidence at three and a half years !


Fantastic, u could not ask for more in a child’s bike, great geometry (modern), love the gearing idea and it’s in a package that is lighter than my boys previous smaller frog. Slack fork angle is great for going down steep banks but steering is not too slow.


What a rad idea! Everything is designed for tikes. Low resistance tyres that still offer good grip, short cranks, and unbelievably powerful brakes. My previous kids bike was difficult for my son to squeeze the brakes but this one is feather light and powerful. Superb graphics and finish top that is literally built to last. Every kid needs one!

best kids bike

Great bike, don't think there's a better on out there for kids, lovely and light and well made, think it will last 4 years as my daughter just out of balance bikes. Great responsive service from the company.

Parents, no more back ache!

I visited Black Mountain with two of my kids to see if the bikes were as good as they look. I had been a bit slack with my 3rd child as I had already gone through teaching two kids how to ride a bike. The thought going through it again brought back memories of running behind the bike holding the saddle until they can find the balance point. The back ache that ensued waned my enthusiasm. My smallest (age 6) tested the Skog. I left him to just play with the bike (no teaching just play). At first he was tentative, walking slowly and wobbling. After 20 minutes he had started taking long strides and steering improved. When he got in a jam he literally picked the bike up and turned it around. After 40 minutes he was starting to run and then he started to glide. Within an hour he found his balance. He absolutely loves the bike and I have placed an order. I can't wait to see his face when it arrives. I am blown away with the design and technology that has gone into these bikes. They really are as good as they look!

Three bikes in one - all of them amazing!

Our son has had his Skog for three months now and he really loves it.

He was happily balance biking at three and a half, but then we made the mistake of getting a normal pedal bike for him. He managed to learn to ride on it, but he didn't enjoy it and his cycling adventure was nearly over before it had started.

When the Skog arrived everything changed. His confidence, as well as his bike handling, improved rapidly, and it is a real thrill for him to ride so easily and so independently. We think it has also boosted his confidence more generally being able to move so well when most of his friends are still struggling with stabilisers or restricted to scooters.

Of course the bike is expensive, but it fully justifies its premium. The light weight, the belt drive, the cool matt paint finish and the proper brakes and components make it stand out. It's certainly built to last.

But the most important benefit is that it is three bikes in one. It costs the same as a bike from a rival brand, but for that you also get the balance bike and a second pedal bike for nothing. No need for the hassle, or the financial hits, of selling two bikes as your child grows.

All in all we've got a boy who loves cycling again plus we know we've already got a brilliant larger sized bike as soon as he grows into it.


I was apprehensive about buying a bike that I hadn't seen, but needn't have worried. The new-to-cycling 4-year old was thrilled because his Skog proved so easy and fun to ride - he transformed within a day from wobbling unenthusiastically on his starter bike to thoroughly enjoying confident cycling on the Skog. The cycling grown-up was impressed by the light weight (much lighter than some big-name brands), the intriguing design and precise engineering, the lack of a messy chain, and careful pre-despatch setup. We haven't needed to change it between modes/sizes yet, but the instructions are detailed and clear and all the tools needed have been thoughtfully included in the box. So we're both very impressed.


Pleased with service. Prompt delivery.
Excellent bike. Four year old grandson loves it and can't get him off it, he was riding independently after a couple of hours. Expensive but worth it.

4 year old’s birthday dream

We bought a black mountain bike for our 4 year old’s birthday. The team were kind enough to get it to us in a couple of days, in time for the big day. It was awesome to see him ride it in balance bike mode, and within a week was ready for peddles. I am no bike mechanic, but the bike came in high quality packaging and with all the tools you need, and I found the instructions for initial assembly and then moving to peddle mode straight forward and quick. My older son can’t wait for a bigger model to be released!

Stabilizers never needed!

My 5 year old daughter had a balance bike (from another brand) since she was two. It was time to find her a bike with pedals and I was not sure if she would manage to learn without stabilizers. As soon as her Skog arrived, she managed to ride it with a little support just to climb on the bike. Since then, for the past two months, she has been riding her bike completely independently. I am so relieved that stabilizers were unnecessary. Black mountain seems to be the way forward, at least for us (my younger son got a Pinto and I will post another review soon).


Great bike for beginners and advanced riders!

My 3 year old son started with another balance bike, but we got him a PINTO at the same time we got a SKOG for our 5 years old daughter who was ready to try pedals. I was expecting to take much longer before adding the pedals to his bike, but after just one week he was already pedalling independently his PINTO. He still needs a little support to start, but he has been proudly riding his bike with pedals alongside his older sister .

Absolutely fantastic bike

I came across this bike after a recommendation from a parent of one of my son’s school friends and honestly I cannot praise this bike highly enough. Solid sturdy design yet lightweight, relatively easy to assemble yourself despite being an amateur, longevity in that this bike will grow with my son, great looks - it has it all. My son was over the moon with it having literally just learnt to ride a bike, and refers to it as his ‘Ferarri Bike’ because he can go so fast on it! His little friends are all very jealous. Despite hesitating over the high price tag for a child’s bike I am so glad I decided to take the plunge, I really think it is worth the money for quality, functionality and design. A great investment and very happy with it!

Money well spent

Being a father of four, investments in new equipment has to be considered in great detail. After purchasing a new Pinto for my daughter, the first few days were spent assisting, running behind saying things like “don’t worry I’ve got you”, and “keep pedalling”, followed by vigorously cleaning the new purchase. As time passed, the new toy novelty wore off and like most kids, the Pinto was soon left outside after use. One day after a ride, my youngest son decided to remove his sister’s bike from the bike rack and dump it on the ground to enable access to his bike. There was no problem with that, until Mum decided to jump in the Land Rover and reverse straight over the Pinto! I was then called to view the damage, and after closer inspection, realised that although the vehicle was on top of the bike, the wheels hadn’t touched the bike. After some careful manoeuvring, I managed to remove the bike and to all of our total amazement, apart from the seat and handle bars being out of line, there was no damage!

As Director of a manufacturing company, where quality is one of our main aims, I cannot say enough about the Black Mountain Pinto bike. From its look, usability and quality construction - it’s been money well spent.


My son loves his Bike

This bike is awsome.Really nice quality.My son is so happy about it.

Perfect experience

I couldn't be happier with the purchase (SKOG). People at Black Mountain are really caring and responsive - reached out immediately after the purchase, aligned the "version" I want (balance mode, European break setup etc.), shipped it quickly. The packaging is just great and polished well - clear detailed manual, all the tools you may need, separate smaller box for keeping "upgrade stuff".
Putting the bike together and switching to pedal mode went fine. My son couldn't be happier with it.
Rides smoothly, breaks working as expected, it's lightweight and fits easily into the trunk of my car.
Can't wait for the right weather so that my kid can try the belt drive out.
Thank you!

I want one myself

Let’s be honest, this bike isn’t cheap, at least initially, but that’s what quality costs and given it’s three bikes in one, over the life of it, it’s pretty cost effective. It’s a truly cool bike - the belt drive was the final detail that convinced me - the build quality is excellent and up there with any good quality adult bike, which I think is unusual in a child’s bike.

My 5 year old daughter is using it as a small peddle bike as she is transitioning from a balance bike she already had. It took all of couple of minutes for her to be peddling like a champ.

The black mountain service was excellent and the bike arrived as was promised, already set up in small peddle mode with EU front brake configuration.
As others have mentioned, the packaging was robust and it easily survived the trip to Norway in perfect condition.

I only wish there was a stand option as this bike is too nice to lay on the ground - and my daughter wants one - but 3rd party stands that I know of will not fit the frame. Andy has already said they will look into that (again, great service).

Maybe one day these guys will design a belt driven adult bike that’s just as cool because I really want one too.

Highly recommended.

Best. Bike. Ever!

Our 4 year old has had a balance bike for a while but had outgrown it. The search was on for a big girl bike. Found the Skog via the magic of Facebook and was immediately impressed with its solution to one of the main problems with kids bikes... They outgrow them soooo quickly!

The appeal was also that it could be used in balance bike mode to bridge the gap between balance bike and new pedal bike. The gap lasted one day! The second day she had the bike, the pedals were on and she was off (alright, we cheated a bit and it was on a tiny downhill slope!).
Day 3, proper cycling on the flat. She was in full control of steering and brakes!
This is a truly excellent product. Well designed with the child and riding at the heart of the design. Exceptional all round!
Oh, and the staff are really nice and helpful too!

Don’t think about it, just buy it!

What a bike!! We previously bought a separate balance bike and cheaper first bike with stabilisers for our child (which quickly fell apart with usual rough and tumble) and she struggled to ride without stabilisers.

Loved the concept of a Black Mountain bike, I just wish it had of been available before we had bought the two previous bikes.

Did our research and compared this bike to other leading brands of kids bikes in the market and there was something special that stuck out with this. So glad we purchased this.

Packaging is excellent and the overall quality and build of the bike is fantastic, very sturdy with great components. The frame and entire bike is so lightweight too. Much easier to manage for a small child.

Super easy, with great instructions and videos, to move between the modes, even for a novice handyman like me.

Most importantly our child loved it. She went for the neon green which looks sharp.

After 15-20 mins in balance bike mode, getting used to the frame and brakes, she was asking for the pedals to be put on. After a quick trip indoors to upgrade to the next mode within 10 mins she was cycling on her own.

Couldn’t be happier with the bike! We all love it. If you are contemplating it, just go for it. You won’t be disappointed.

Finally a shout out to the excellent customer service and support provided. A great team that provide a great bike! Thank you!! :)