UP:RISE stem extender
UP:RISE stem extender
UP:RISE stem extender
UP:RISE stem extender

UP:RISE stem extender

Regular price £29.00
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Our unique UP:RISE stem extender is the perfect, lightweight and cost-effective way to eke out a few more months of your existing Black Mountain bike. It gives a proportional increase in front end length and height and takes only a couple of minutes to install!

If you fitted the bars to your Black Mountain out of the box, you'll find this super easy. Simply remove the stem face plate, insert the UP:RISE stem extender and fix in-place using the bolts provided. Then, replace the bars and face plate. 

The UP:RISE stem extender comes as standard with KAPĒL and HÜTTO models and is compatible with PINTO and SKØG too.

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